Jessner Peel: A Storied Chemical Peel With Fantastic Results

The quest for fresh, younger-looking skin drives most of the traffic through an esthetician's doorway. For some clients, it’s not just about reducing fine lines; there are deeper concerns. 

Acne scars can destroy your confidence, and chemical peels are a popular approach to reducing the appearance of them. Through careful application of certain acids, the top layer of skin is dissolved and removed. Deep impurities rise to the surface during the healing process, resulting in a clearer complexion.

The world of chemical peels can seem overwhelming at first glance. So many different types exist and have subtle differences in formulation. Jessner’s peel, the first modern chemical peel, is still used by estheticians today.

Today we’re digging into the world of chemical peels and revealing the benefits of a Jessner peel!

What is a Jessner Peel?

Over 100 years ago, Max Jessner developed the first modern chemical peel. Made from acidic ingredients, he designed it to treat skin conditions. Using salicylic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol, Jessner applied the treatment for various concerns.

Jessner’s solution is meant to improve the appearance of your skin by encouraging new growth. It does this by dissolving the bonds dead cells have to deeper layers of skin. Doctors modified the original formula into its current form by removing resorcinol. 

For clients with darker skin tones, modified Jessner peels are recommended. Unwanted side effects from resorcinol include dark patches and uneven coloring.

As a peeling solution, Jessner’s is considered medium strength. This means it only takes the top layer. It’s frequently combined with other chemical agents for deeper treatments. By contrast, deep peels penetrate further and have a longer recovery time.

What makes a Jessner Peel different from other peels?

This type of peel is designed to reduce the appearance of acne scars, even out skin tone, smooth wrinkles, and sun damage. Formulated to stimulate an inflammatory response, the solution is left on the skin after application. 

Some peels take weeks or months to recover from fully. Jessner peels usually take three to five days for the whole process and up to two weeks for final results. 

How does a Jessner Peel work?

Each ingredient serves a purpose in the Jessner solution. Salicylic acid dissolves hardened skin cells, while lactic acid improves hydration. Resorcinol originally served as an antiseptic but caused side effects like hyperpigmentation. 

In newer formulations, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) replaces resorcinol’s antibacterial properties without side effects. 

Once an esthetician applies the solution, it’s left on to penetrate the skin layers. After a few days, your face begins to tighten and peel. At this point, you’ll use moisturizing products to promote hydration. By the fifth day, your skin will reveal its new self! 

It’s usually good to take a few days after the peel to be extra gentle with your baby skin. And unlike surface-level peels, you’ll enjoy the results for several months.

Benefits of a Jessner peel

Jessner’s solution breaks down the top layer of skin after application, setting natural healing in motion. An inflammatory response promotes this natural healing and leads to healthier, more even skin tone. 

jessner peel

Even just one treatment will show moderate results. It takes more if you’re addressing deep scarring or significant discoloration. Your esthetician may recommend a series of treatments to really get at deep skin concerns.

While you can find the solution online for home use, applying chemical peels to yourself is a bad idea. Jessner’s solution is gentler than others if used appropriately, but it’s still possible to cause damage.

Jessner Peels address acne scars

Depending on the number of layers your esthetician applies, Jessner’s solution is proven to reduce scarring from acne. Four to six layers of the solution are usually enough to penetrate mild scarring and promote healing. However, TCA peels are combined with Jessner for deeper scarring for enhanced results.

Sun damage is directly targeted by Jessner’s Peel

Damage from too much sun exposure can cause hyperpigmentation or sun spots. A Jessner peel not only removes the outer layer of skin but also encourages new growth. By promoting new growth, brown spots are evened out and disappear.

Dark patches and age spots get reduced

Similar to sun damage, dark spots of melanin are affected by the acids in the solution. The inflammatory response caused by the peel encourages new growth and a healing response. Removing hardened, or keratinized, cells leaves space for even, smooth skin. 

Improves the elasticity of your skin

By breaking down hardened skin cells and increasing hydration, this peel stimulates healing. Part of the healing process is an increase in collagen. For elasticity, collagen is king. With more of this protein, you’ll look more youthful. 

Jessner peels smoothen out wrinkles and fine lines

Hardened skin cells and dehydration results in fine lines and wrinkles. Removing the top layer reveals a fresher, healthier complexion. The lactic acid in Jessner’s solution infuses moisture into your face. With newly plump skin, crepe-like wrinkles naturally disappear.

jessner peel benefits

Treatment of rougher feeling skin

Roughness caused by sun exposure, acne, or uneven skin type may benefit from medium-level peels. Smother skin is on the way by encouraging healing and increasing collagen and elastin production!

The process of getting a Jessner peel

Knowing what to expect is essential if you decide that a Jessner peel is the next step in your skin journey. Anything beyond a superficial peel is a time commitment. Ensure you give yourself enough time and follow aftercare instructions for the best results!

Getting ready for a Jessner peel

Give yourself about a week before the peel to pamper your skin. Stop using any harsh cleansers, exfoliants, and retinol-based products.

What to expect when getting a Jessner peel

The time you spend in the office is minimal; just a few minutes to apply the solution. Your esthetician will clean and hydrate the skin before applying the chemicals. Gentle exfoliation helps even out the surface as well.

Applying the right amount of solution depends on the results you’re looking for. Talk to your esthetician about your expectations; they’re the experts!

jessner peel aftercare

Jessner peel aftercare routine 

Aftercare is the most crucial step in the process of a chemical peel. After the initial application, you’ll have to wait six to eight hours before a face wash. Keep your skin dry and clean; only apply moisturizer after the peeling starts. 

Let your skin release naturally over the next few days. Resist the urge to pick at it as it peels. You may schedule a facial to finish removing dead skin and reap the benefits in full, but that’s not necessary.

Some redness may linger for several days after your skin’s peeled. This is normal. As your new growth continues, you may notice that some roughness and spots remain. These imperfections will likely require several peels to recede fully. 

Renewal Skin Studio can introduce you to the latest craze that is the Jessner peel!

Renewal Skin Studio is dedicated to bringing your inner beauty to the surface. We can’t think of a better way to address stubborn skin concerns than the gentle Jessner peel. Our expert team is sensitive to your unique skin type and needs.

Let’s explore what chemical peels bring to the table for enhanced esthetic care. 

Book a consultation today!


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