What is a Back Facial?

One of the hottest trends in esthetic care is the back facial. Most of us who care for our skin are familiar with facials. It’s a treatment that focuses on cleansing, rejuvenating, and hydrating the face.

Back facials flip the script and bring the same level of care to one of the most neglected parts of the body. Popularized over the last few years, this treatment is fantastic for people struggling with back acne and other skin concerns on their back.

With summer in full swing, backless tops and swimming suits expose skin that hasn’t seen the sun in months. Getting ready for an important event where you might wear an open-backed top is something to consider.

Estheticians who’ve honed their facial skills can now focus on another body part. Embrace the back facial and venture out with confidence that you’re presenting a healthy, glowing self to the world.

Let’s get back to basics on this popular new treatment option!

What is a back facial?

As the name suggests, the back facial brings the same skincare tools to the party. People who’ve had the treatment say it feels like a massage but taken to the next level. It involves cleansing, exfoliation, detoxing, and rehydrating serums. 

What kind of treatment is it?

Designed as a dehydrated skin treatment, it frequently involves microdermabrasion and steam to purify the pores. Specialists incorporate extractions to remove whiteheads and blackheads that linger on the back. Because we don’t usually treat the skin back there, it’s prime real estate for these skin concerns. 

Some estheticians also include a high-frequency treatment to help kill bacteria released by the extractions. It’s also effective for tightening skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Sometimes you’ll have some irritation from the early portions of the session. By the time you leave your appointment, the combined effects soothe and calm the skin. 

What should you expect from a back facial appointment?

When you arrive for your back facial appointment, expect to feel pampered! Estheticians can get much more hands-on throughout, and the effects are glorious. Most sessions last around an hour and include several steps. 

A cleanse preps and purifies the skin before the treatment begins. Then, your esthetician will apply an exfoliation modality to remove dead skin. Depending on the technician, you’ll experience a gentle approach with mitts and scrubs or microdermabrasion to break down keratinized cells. 

Extraction usually follows where the esthetician manually removes impurities from clogged pores. A mask is then applied to remove excess oil and grime deep under the skin. After this step, high-frequency treatment is sometimes an option to purify the skin's surface. 

Finally, you’ll experience oxygenation and hydration by applying steam and serums. Frequently, the serums include hyaluronic acid, green tea extracts, aloe, and other ingredients your skin needs. It serves to tighten and soothe the skin after treatment. 

There’s no downtime after a back facial. With your skin positively glowing, you’ll have the best looking back on the beach!

What are back facials beneficial for?

Back facials have clear benefits for your skin. Especially if you’re one of the 70% of the population dealing with truncal or back acne, back facials can help.

The biggest benefit of a back facial is treating back acne

Acne is one of the most prevalent and bothersome of all skin concerns. Painful and annoying, inflamed sebaceous glands can pop up anywhere. Back acne ranges from a few blemishes to covering 80-90% of the affected area.

Back facials help treat pernicious acne by exfoliating the skin and extracting stubborn cysts. Microdermabrasion paired with salicylic acid-based serums encourages collagen production and removes excess oil.

Back facials help hydrate and rejuvenate dry skin

back facial

Unless you’ve got a partner to moisturize your back, you’re likely neglecting that area. Out of sight, out of mind. But for your skin, that’s not good enough! 

Back facials infuse dry skin with moisture using hydrating serums and send it to deeper layers of skin. More collagen production also encourages the skin to hang onto the moisture you add. 

Oily backs also benefit from back facials

Some of us have skin that produces more oils than others. Until back facials, there wasn’t a targeted way to reduce oily skin on the back. Getting the skin back in balance is one of the goals of a back facial. Because we use several modalities during the process, oily skin is encouraged to heal. 

It might not make sense to you to hydrate oily skin, but often, dry skin produces the most excess oil. By hydrating this area, it can finally relax and stop trying to overcompensate. 

Common questions asked about back facials

As a newer service, back facials aren’t as familiar to the public as regular facials. If you’re unsure about a treatment, knowledge is power! Chat with your esthetician about what to expect before, during, and after your session. 

How should you prepare for a back facial?

Preparing for a back facial is pretty straightforward. Take a warm shower before heading in for your session to cleanse and open your pores. Wear something loose and comfortable on top; a sports bra is best underneath. You’ll remove your top during the treatment, but if you have sensitive skin, you’ll appreciate a flowy top for after. 

What should you do once you have had a back facial?

After a back facial, you should wait a few hours before showering, as it can wash off serums and oils. Applying baby oil or fragrance-free lotion helps lock in moisture and support skin health. Drink plenty of water and avoid saunas for a few days to let your skin absorb all the good things you’ve put into it!

For any questions regarding back facials, Renewal Skin Studio has got the answers!

Renewal Skin Studio’s estheticians are in love with back facials! We can’t wait to share our passion for healthy skin with you. A back facial treatment at our spa will give you a stress-free bikini season! And if you’ve struggled with finding the perfect treatment for back acne, we’ve got something new for you. 

If you’ve got any questions, we’re happy to answer them. Click over to our website and book a consultation today!


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