How Can Dermaplaning Help My Skin?

There’s something so magnificent about the different shades, textures, and stories that our skin tells. When we’re exhausted, excited, or happy to be sunbathing in the hot sun, you can read it all over our faces.

There are endless variables when it comes to skin surfaces, including scarring, genetics, and the never-ending rotation of new products we buy in an attempt to get our skin where we want it to be. If you’re looking to refine that beautiful skin of yours, dermaplaning is a great resource with plenty of data to back it.

What are the long-term results of dermaplaning?

It’s tough to keep up with the ebbs and flows of modern technology as it relates to skincare. With so many treatment options, knowing which ones best suit your skin type could be a little tricky to identify. Scheduling a dermaplane facial has incredible long-term results that begin with increased cell turnover, a reduction of wrinkles and dark spots, and diminishing acne scarring while getting rid of fine facial hair.

Successful hair removal

Many people prefer the absence of soft hairs and peach fuzz on their face and get tired of purchasing face razors. For some, it gives your skin the ability to better absorb skincare products. If you’re investing in long-term skin healing solutions, having the proper canvas to work with can make an enormous difference. Successful hair removal during dermaplaning (also referred to as microplaning) reveals the surface of your skin in a new light.

Supports healing of new and old scarring

Dermaplaning can support the rejuvenation of sun-damaged skin, dry skin, acne scars and fine wrinkles. Deep acne scarring, both old and new, will be exfoliated and uneven pockmarks will be smoothed out. 

As the dermatome, or handheld instrument used in the dermaplaning process, is moved back and forth across the skin it begins to skim off surface layers that surround scars and craters. Dramatically reducing the appearance of scars can lead to a myriad of benefits, including a reduction in the number of facial cover-up cosmetics used. For people who are prone to blemishes and acne, a dermaplaning session can make a world of difference in the way your skin is able to breathe.

Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles

As your esthetician moves the dermatome back and forth across your skin, they're working on smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, in addition to scarring and uneven texture.

How to prepare for dermaplaning

Whenever you’re undergoing any type of skincare treatment, it’s important to know how to prepare and how to take care of yourself afterward. The last thing you need is to leave the treatment in an even rougher condition than you were when you came in.

Pause exfoliation for 3-5 days

About 3 to 5 days before your dermaplaning appointment, make sure to cease any exfoliation, including toners, actives, and other related regimens. This will give your skin time to build up a layer of protection while going through the dermaplaning process. Failure to pause your exfoliation routine could result in unnecessary soreness, redness, and inflammation.

Avoid sun exposure

If you’re heading out of town, you may want to schedule your dermaplaning appointment for when you return as limiting your sun exposure is a crucial part of the process. When our skin is in a vulnerable state due to sunburn and damage, you want to nourish it, not irritate it. And even though dermaplaning is a safe process for your skin, irritation can occur if your skin is not in a healed state.

Be intentional about other service appointments

Scheduling your dermaplaning appointment while being mindful of your other obligations for success. For example, if you have a chemical peel scheduled make sure you allow your skin the necessary time to heal between facial treatments.

How to treat your skin after your dermaplaning appointment

Aftercare is essential following any skin care treatment or procedure. You can even contribute to your aftercare ahead of time by taking preventative measures like staying hydrated, limiting sun exposure, and being mindful of your skincare regimen for a couple of weeks up to your appointment.

What to put on after dermaplaning

After dermaplaning, you want to make sure that you follow a basic skincare routine for two weeks. Using mild, gentle cleansers to clean your face and applying moisturizers and gentle serums after your treatment will have you feeling brand new in no time. You especially want to pay attention to hyaluronic acid based products. These will help keep your face protected and hydrated.

How to prevent breakouts after dermaplaning

If you’re prone to acne, after your dermaplaning appointment you might find yourself with a mild breakout. You can reduce the chances of breaking out by steering clear of having active acne during your treatment. 

Since active acne can cause even more flare-ups, having a current break out while undergoing dermaplaning can lead to bacteria being spread around the face causing an even greater chance of inflammation across your face.

Schedule your first appointment

You’ve worked hard to invest in the skin care that makes sense for your needs. If you’re finding that you’re plateauing in your skin care regimen or if you want to get ahead of the curve, dermaplaning just might be the ticket. If you’re curious about how to schedule your first session, connect with our website today.


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